Uitdeuken met CO2

RE: Uitdeuken met CO2

Wie heeft het wel eens geprobeerd?
Iedereen kent denk ik de filmpjes wel, maar werkt het nou echt en is het een goede manier?

Adamson Eva schreef:
Car repair has always been expensive. Car dents happens once in a while and it may come in numerous small dents or enormous dents. Car owners tend to neglect small dents and without knowing, later on their car have dents all over and would require expensive body repair.

Do you know that you can repair small dents and sometimes even big bumps of your car's body?

Here, I will share you a simple step on how to do it without spending too much.

Let's say you want to repair a dent on your fender. First thing you need to do is prepare the following materials; hot air blower (an ordinary hair blower can do the job) and a liquid carbon dioxide (usually an air spray duster contains CO2 to provide pressure on the can). Now here is how to do it. Heat the dent area for about a minute using the hair blower. Immediately after heating, apply the liquid CO2 to the heated area. NOTE THAT YOU NEED TO USE THE LIQUID CO2. To get the liquid CO2, use the spray can upside down. After spraying the CO2, wait a few seconds and the dent will disappear. The principle behind this is that the heat expands the metal and making it soft. The application of CO2 will supply temperature as low as -70 degrees Celsius thus this low temperature will tend to make the body contract and form the original shape as it was formed. In case you cannot find a liquid CO2, a dry ice can also make the tricks.

You may try this technique for small to medium dents of your car body. The technique mentioned above does not guarantee 100% but it may worth trying rather spending much money.


RE: Uitdeuken met CO2

ik wil het wel eens testen eigenlijk.

Zal laten weten of het gelukt is.
